Dear all
I already uploaded my updated pictures on the website. U can enjoy it during your vacation.
Time goes so fast, a new year is coming again!! Everything changed a lot for me in the past year. But I think that is good for me!! How about you guys? do u make a new year's best wishes for your life?

I will continue enjoying my life in OZ, BTW, I'll not travel alone for a while, because the guy I met in small town we decided traveling together for a while.... so crazy, right!! we only know each other for one week but when we separated for one week, we miss each other so much. He came to find me and I changed my original traveling plan just want to be with him. So excited but also little nervous. It is my first time traveling with someone for so long.. hope everything is not bad!!

Anyway!! Happy new year!! My dear friend

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Dear all
long time no see!!!! During this period, I went to the amazing small town, had an unforgettable memory there. 8 days, I met the guy at the first day and we shared great 7 days there. We may not meet each other again, but I'll not forget the feeling I have during that time. Amazing right!!
When it becomes the part of my travel, I just found I can be so happy again. That is good!!
I will go to the Flinder Ranges on Saturday, to do the volunteer job again!!

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Dear all
Finally, I finish my job in Alice Spring and prepare moving forward again.
Never image I'll stay here so long but it is good 4 me to have more time discover this place.
But the weather here is ssoooooooo HOT. I think I almost die while walking around.
There are some interesting things happened here. How can I say- Sexy, Dirty and one night stand. Ho ho. My roomate let me know their different life style, my coworkers teach me how to handle the short-term relationship. I think I will be BAD Woman if I stay longer here. HA HA!!
I'll go to Kings Canyon by myself 4 two days and then go to Simpson Desert region. It should be hot be worth to go.
Will share pics if I have time!!! Sorry. U know I am in desert now!!

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Dear all
MERRY X'MAS!!this is my first time to have WARM X'mas, near 42 degree, soooooo HOT!! have BBQ in X'mas, strange right!! But, it is OZ way I think.
I am working in the Bar, sometimes need to work in the kitchen. I just wear the bar's T-shirt and maybe looks too sexy.. But, it is X'mas Eve, whatever.
Maybe have chance to meet the cute guy:) Ho Ho.
I may move after the new year. when I find the free internet, I will start to update my story, share with u guys :)


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If u want to do the Mango packing job in Carins. U can contact me. It begins at January.
Just share with someone who is traveling in Australia

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那就是我的志工夥伴,因為他們,在這過程當中我也更加解放自己....說到這 當然就包括小小曖昧在其中,不過就僅限在這16天內

Joanna會在有限的時間內,帶大家一起回味這16天的Nhulunbuy - Cape Arnhemlad之行

Rich - 來自大英帝國的搞笑男
Adam - 同樣來自大英帝國,不過是志工實習生
Che - korea - 永遠像個大孩子的KOREA醫技師
Bob - KOREA - 超口愛的韓國大學生 總是帶著憨厚的笑容
Chantal -我們的隊長 開車超猛的
Greg - 澳洲老先生

先跟各位說 除了下面二位外,我是最老的團員,在此趟行程中,也深深體會到自己是有一點年紀哩
下次再跟大家分享囉 - 時間到

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Dear my friends
I just came back from the Eastern Arnhem Land. I will share with you this amazing trip with you in the future. In 16 days trip, always have new things happened.My funny travel mates make this trip cray and have a lot of fun. I will introdue to you guys later.
I will start to do my Mango Job tomorrow. I just confirmed it and also won 10 dollars for the horse racing!! Everythin is so lucky!! Right!!
The internet shop in Katherine is really fancy!! I can't believe it looks so modern inside. A lot of art design here. Great people, great music, great spead, WOW what kinds of things can be better than this!!
See u soon

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Since you've been away
I've been down and lonely
Since you've been away
I've been thinking of you
Trying to understand
The reason you left me
What were you going through?

I'm missing you
Tell me why the road turns
Ooh ooh
I'm missing you
Tell me why the road turns

As i look around
I see things that remind me
Just to see you smile
Made my heart fill with joy
I'll still recall
All those dreams we shared together
Where did you run to, boy?

I'm missing you
Tell me why the road turns
Ooh ooh
I'm missing you
Tell me why the road turns

Sometimes i've wondered
I didn't understand
Just where you were trying to go
Only you knew the plan
And i tried to be there
But you wouldn't let me in

But now you've gone away boy
I feel so broken hearted
I knew the day we started
That we were meant to be
If only you'd let me!
I've cried so many tears
Gotta face now all my fears
We let time slip away
I need you boy
Here today!

There was so much you gave me
To my heart
To my soul
There was so much of your dreams
That were never told
You had so much hope
For a brighter day
Why were you my flower
Plucked away

I'm missing you
Tell me why the road turns
Ooh ooh
I'm missing you
Tell me why the road turns

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Arnhem Land — birthplace of the didgeridoo, heart of Dreamtime Australia and 97,000 square kilometres of remote Aboriginal Reserve. It is home to the Yolngu people, one of Australia's largest indigenous groups, and one of the few successfully maintaining traditional culture.

It would be pleasing to think the precious area is pristine and beautiful, but it's a long way short of that. Major currents make constant deposits of unwelcome debris. Deliveries of old fishing nets, remains of trees, bottles, the ubiquitous plastic bag and general rubbish are diminishing the area's quality.

Water in the Gulf of Carpentaria moves slowly clockwise, dumping rubbish on the otherwise unspoilt tip of Cape Arnhem. To spoil and degrade the rugged and wild area is a tragedy. It has unending sweeps of wind-whipped white sand, dense forests of pandanus and palms, outcrops of hard, grey rock and a pounding turquoise ocean.

Six of the world's seven marine turtles call the area home but marine debris is affecting their habitat. They, and other creatures, are choking and becoming entangled in the rubbish, but help is at hand

Arnhem Land Marine Rescue, run by CVA, is working alongside the Yolngu people to restore one of the country's most beautiful coastlines. With the aid of volunteers and Aboriginal rangers of Dhimurru Land Management, they traverse the coast on foot and by 4WD to collect, catalogue and dispose of rubbish. Turtles and other marine wildlife are freed from nets where possible.

COST : 450 AUS Dollar for 16 days Trip ( High Recommend , As I known, the other one cost:2295 AUS Dollar for 7 days trip(World Expeditions).

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Dear all
I joined the CVA project to visit the Eastern Arnhem land. It is really an amazing experience. If you have time, don't miss it.
It is really vaulable and worthful. The project I join also introduced by the Getaway TV show. See!! hoe impressive project that you can't ignore!!
I must said, if you are a traveler with a limited budget, this one is an excellenct choice for you if you want to visit the Eastern Arnhem Land. It charges 450 AUS dollars for 15 days trip, include all accomdation and meals. The place I live is really great!! ( Better than the one I lived in Darwin) Breakfast and dinner are all-you-can -eat buffet!!! WOW, all things are more than I image. Besides, they provide FREE internet for you to use at anytime:)
Todays is my 4th day for this project. I will upload the latest pictures for

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競賽全程總計3000km 從Darwin出發 終點站為Adelaide.全程橫越中澳沙漠 可想而知,所遇到的考驗將是多殘酷
這是第20屆的太陽能車全球競賽,隨著科技的演進,太陽能車的性能也越來越佳 看到第一次參賽的德國車隊 - 果真是工業設計大國,流線車型讓人不禁多拍幾張照片,看她們的簡介,她們所設計的車是外型及性能兼顧,也很有信心可跑出好成績

3屆冠軍的荷蘭車隊 - Nuon 也信誓旦旦的說這次絕對要刷新紀錄-29hrs 11mins 車體更輕 性能更佳
不過我想這次她們的挑戰者可都是來勢洶洶 勢必有番激戰

最高興的是看到二個台灣隊伍 - 高雄應用科技大學的Apollo車隊 及南台科技大學的Phoenix Solar Car Team
二支來自南台灣的隊伍將與61個隊伍競爭爭取最佳成績,這二支隊伍過去都有參加的經驗,南台科技大學之前的失敗經驗寫到 - 看到連駱駝都跑的比我門車快時 真是一種悲哀 - 司儀講到這都忍不住笑起來 身旁的外國人也都笑了出來,這就是太陽能車競賽 什麼事都有可能發生 不過我相信他門這次可都是準備充分 一定可獲得最佳成績

在整個過程中,有3支隊伍的車在正式出發前都出了狀況,分別是智利.澳洲.印度隊 看到她們失望的表情真想為她們加油打氣 不過智利隊再最後一秒中把車子修理好 當他緩緩出發時全場享起熱烈掌聲 她們的team也超興奮的 畢竟,她們為這比賽也準備超久的
加油囉 每個隊伍

See You Again
2007 WSC照片可前往

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在這趟行程當中,我們透過當地的博物館了解Tiwi的發展歷史背景與其獨特發展的文化,我們也到當地製造藝術品的地方參觀當地藝術家們如何創作他們的作品,透過藝術創作來支持他們的生活開銷。我們當然也不免俗的買了當地創作的藝術品,小貧的我買了二張獨特的手工製卡片,其他有錢的爺爺奶奶們可就大手筆買壁畫及雕刻品,具他們說價格便宜許多 而且還可以跟創作者拍照!!!如果下次再前往,我會好好Shopping一番 因為,這些創作真的很美!!

這趟旅程最有特色的地方,就是不管你到哪裡都有人跟你微笑揮手 就算你是坐在車上也是一樣,Tiwi Islanders的熱情有此可見,到後來大家就像老朋友一樣互相打照呼,畢竟Nguiu並不是多大的地方,轉幾個彎又看到同一批人:) 他們很喜歡坐在樹下開會,導遊是說不管大小事大家都會在這數下會議中拿出來討論,真好奇他們在討論什麼 有機會一定要加入看看(不過可能需要翻譯)

當我們經過海邊時,看到一群小朋有正在Sport Fishing!!真神奇他們是如何用標槍技巧來練獵魚 這對我這手腳遲頓的人來說簡直就是不可能的任務,尤其是導遊說水裡有鱷魚時,我不禁為他們的勇氣佩服到五體投地

下次 我想再來趟二日遊 這樣,可以更深入當地人的生活及看到傳說中的日出美景

Tiwi Island. Dream Plaza of the world!!

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Hello Guys
If you are searching for the Mango Picking or Packing job in NT area. You can try the following contact information
1. Katherine area - end of Oct
Daytime: 03-54843696
after 8:00pm: 03-54841213

2. Manbulloo Mangoes
08-89722590 - Rebecca

Be care for the Mango Rush!!

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前往TIWI ISLAND是此行的一個重要目標,因為其特別的島嶼原住民文化及其雕刻技術,都是吸引我前往的重要因素
所以,即使此行花了澳幣350大洋,還是在10/10國慶日當天坐上小飛機前往TIWI ISLAND
先讓大家認識一下這個地方,TIWI ISLAND主要是由2個島嶼所組成 - Bathurst Island & Melville Island. 當地人對島嶼的形成有段神話 - 古早前有一頭神獸,它遺留了一粒種子在大地裡,當這種子發芽時,從裡面走出一個女人x<這女人後來自體繁殖了2女一男 當這三人長大時,二個女生告訴這個男生說 他們想要有下一代 所以 這唯一的男生就出發到遠處去尋找可以讓他二個姐妹繁衍下一代的方法
他遇到一個手掌大的小矮人 小矮人表示他可以幫助他們 只是這二姐妹在繁衍後代後需奉獻給大地
所以.....他們成功有了後代 - 就是TIWI People而二女的身體也就化為這二座島嶼 供其子孫生長!!
很有趣的故事 沒空問後來男的到哪去 (對他們當地人來說 女性地位高於男性,所以老公要聽老婆的)不錯吧

TIWI意指"We", the only people in the world. 他們有自從成一格的生活方式,語言與文化,他們使用各式草藥來治療各種疾病 之前有提這邊的女人地位崇高,所以跟澳洲本土不一樣的是,女人是可以參加各種祭典.在眾多祭典當中,最有名的就算是"Pukamani" ceremonies

Pukamani Ceremonies
此祭典最主要的目地是確保生命在往生之後 其靈魂可以找到前往靈魂國度的道路.這祭典的典故是
TIWI ISLAND一開始,所有人都住在稱做夢之大地( a land of dreams)的地方,在那沒有任何生物會死去.某天,一名名叫Wai-ai的女人違背了誓言,使他的兒子Jinaini餓死了,貓頭鷹哭泣著告知大家死亡已降臨在這塊大地的消息,孩子的爹-Purukapali得知這消息非常難過 尤其是當他知道他兒子會餓死是因為其兄弟Tapara綁走他老婆的原故,所以他要讓這壞人成為下個屍體.因此他創造了Pukamani祭典,在他殺死Tapara後,他也走入大海中自殺身亡....化身為靈魂來尋找他兒子

Purukapali 舉行Pukamani祭典

知道這個典故之後,才知道看到的雕刻柱狀物是與葬禮有關,說到這,跟大家講個有趣的景像,在18世紀時,有白人的傳教士來到這島上,所以基督教也在此時與TIWI People有了接處,從他們的墓園可看到外來文化與本土文化融合的景象,就是在墓碑上會有十字架,但在周圍就有Pukamani柱圍繞
他們當地的教堂也是融合Pukamani祭典的故事所建造 - 很有意思吧 雙方彈性都很大!!
在此行當中‧當地人舉行了煙燻祈福祭典,來為我們這些訪客祈福。 在舉行祭典之前,都需在臉上彩繪以做準備。

詢問可以畫在我臉上後,就興奮的請一為長者為我畫上他們的圖騰 - Rainbow

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Arnhem Land, the name after the Dutch ship, "Arnhem". My departure time is at the following Monday, that means, I will not upload my blog for a while. This trip will take me 16 days, and it is the great opportunity for me to know more about the Aboriginal culture on that area.
This trip will include take one weeks on the Cobourg Peninsula area, interact with the Gunbalanya community. That place is the home of the Injalak art.
People told me that I can wander along a secluded shell-covered beach where I may have an opportunity to find the tracks of turtles that nest there at night!! So interesting! isn't it!!

I will share my memorable experience with you after I finish this trip!!
See you guys

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