目前分類:女人30前進北領地 (31)

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It is the way I can do right now!!
You can choose" Pictures" on the right side!!


JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Dear all
This Saturday, I joined the sunset FISHING TOUR and departured from the Cullen Bay!!
It was my first time to go fishing!!! Everything was so interesting to me!!
The trip took 4 hours on the sea and if you lucky, you can got the fish as big as you:)
I expected I can have a such good luck!! But after 2 hours..... I just made a wish that let me catch one fish for this 120 AUS Dollars trip!!

Around 5:30, I felt I just got something but not sure it was fish or not( Since sometimes you will get other things:))
I just too tired to get it. After my slow moving...... I found there was fish on the water surface. WOW. I got my first fish in my whole life!!!

So great!!! My roomate said this one is big enough to be our dinner!! Wanna to see the picture?! I will show you soon!!
Ho Ho

When I came back with the famous cullen bay sunset, I was the happiness one at that moment!!

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear fridends
There are some normal tips to find the shared house in Darwin CBD. For your reference:
1. ASK!!!! - Ask local people!! Even they don't know they will tell you where you can find the relevant information!!
2. Saturday Newspaper!! Charge $1.6 but worth it. You can find some shared accomdation information on it. If you also want to find the job try it also. Internet is not popular here!!Back to normal will give you a great help!!
3. Check the Internet Coffee Shop. You can see a lot of information on the wall. Here is the place that I found my shared accomdation.
4. Go to Bank. They provide the rental information on the front desk. You can take it free!!
5. More proactive!!! Don't just wait and see,hope others referral information to you. Try to DO IT by yourself!! That is the kinds of backpacker's spirit!!

Good Luck and Good Night


JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

下班後 晚餐後
習慣在下班後到Cullen Bay那的咖啡廳坐坐
看看書 喝杯號稱Darwin最好喝的咖啡

習慣大都市的人 或許會覺得這地方很無趣
店 小小的

但是 撇開這些對所謂現代生活的便利性依賴
這城市 覺得比雪梨可愛多了
有人希望讓更多人認識達爾文這塊充滿多元文化的大地 - 它是一個不一樣的澳洲 更真實呈現OZ的面貌


晚安 親愛的各位:)

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Dear My Friends!!
Here is my cell phone number - 002-6-1-431716192 ( Call outside AUS)
- 0431716192 - In Australia

I don't have the computer with me. You can call me if you want or if you feel bored for your job:)

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Dear my fridend
I am in Darwin right now. Every thing just done recently. Their bank interest rate sounds good to save money here 6.5% for 5 months, 6.75% for 12 months. Who want to invest it just tell me
I just share the apartment with other three girls from TW. Small but comfortable. I will stay here longer if you want to come to see me. I may invite you to live in my small room.
I have a job right now!! Being the housekeeper in the holiday apartment!! Can you image that Joanna can be the housekeeping expert!!!
The only thing I know is...... Don't complain too much when you sleep in the hotel, no matter it is 5 star or not
You never know what is in your room!!!

Things go smoothly. Got the job and find the shared house in three days. That let me start to think about how to manage my $$. Managing fund sounds a good idea!! I will have an interview with the financial planner of ANZ Bank in this week. And something sound good!! I will let you know!!
Hope I know how to share the picture with you!!!!

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear My Friends
I will take the Tiger Airline flying to Darwin.
To tell the truth, it is hard to sleep in Singapore and this country is boring also. Always shopping and nothing can see!!
I am glad that I can check in right now since I want to have a nice sleep at Tiger Airline!!
I saw two Taiwaness girls also take this one. They bring the professional backpacker's bag. Wow, It is hard for me to do this at this age:(

I will update when I settle down!!
See you

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear all
第一站是 - 達爾文
應該沒有人認識他吧 - (我是指地名喔)

澳洲達爾文 成排成片的椰子樹的城市
達爾文的市區不大,但是這座熱帶城市建築方式相當具有熱帶風光, 成排成片的椰子樹襯映著一座座潔白的大廈, 加上沒有空氣污染, 蔚藍的天空. 可說是顯得格外醒目, 令人精神振奮. 來到這裡的遊客大部分都在觀光局附近的購物中心溜達, 就差不多等於逛完全市的精華區了.也因為缺少了一般的都市氣息, 使得達爾文城市保留了一些原始的感覺.

達爾文市有近七萬名人口,由許多不同種族的人民所組成, 主要為當地的土著, 托雷斯海峽的島嶼居民, 中國人, 印尼人及歐洲人. 其中近半數都是原住民. 澳洲的原住民, 就是當地的土著, 皮膚黝黑和南印度及馬來西亞的土著有些相像. 而他們也保持了相當程度的傳統生活. 至於在達爾文市及郊區一帶的原住民屬亞波里吉尼族,不過經過世代的演變, 除了體形和膚色不同外, 在其他的生活方式上, 幾乎已和現在的澳洲人沒有什麼兩樣.

達爾文 (Darwin) 屬於熱帶氣候, 全年只有兩個季節:十一月至四月是夏天,五月至十月是冬天. 這裏全年天氣暖和, 夏天多雨, 冬天則較乾燥. 達爾文冬天日間天氣清爽溫暖, 夜間天氣則乾燥寒冷, 最適宜進行戶外活動和觀光旅遊. 夏天到最北部,你可有機會欣賞到大自然最壯麗的一面, 閃電雷暴, 陽光驟雨, 你大可放開懷抱, 欣賞四週瀑布及靜觀濕地如何變成鳥的天堂.

澳洲 達爾文的地理資訊
達爾文周圍都是原始的熱帶原野,其中有些更是澳洲最壯觀的勝景. 東面是卡卡都國家公園,是澳洲第一處列入聯合國世界文物遺跡的地方.

在航空方面,達爾文的國際機場可以隨時和國內及國際各重要城市聯繫, 有來自世界各國的班機營運. 國內線的澳洲航空和維京空公司有密集的定期班機服務, 從雪梨到達爾文約四千多公里,需要六小時三十五分鐘航程, 自阿得萊德前來需三小時三十分鐘,從布里斯本則需要四小時三十分鐘.

達爾文 公路交通
在各重要城市都有快速巴士前來達爾文, 從愛麗斯泉到達爾文需要一整天的時間, 由阿得萊德來此需要二天, 從雪梨前來則需三日,由墨爾本到達爾文來則需要四天的行程.


JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear my friends
I'm in Alice Spring now. will stay here for my WARM X'Mas and Happy New Year Eve.
Leaving Katherine at Dec.10th, join Hans, Dyson and Jason's lift to Alice Spring. Very interesting trip with three boys. We went to many places and camped everyday. Really hard to forget!!
I am alone now, guess what, I start working again. Being the housekeeper and worke in the Bar here. It is the big surprise for me, never think I will work in this backpacker hostel.
So, I may spend more time here, and have chance to uplaod my amazing pictures for u
See u later

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I already upoad some pictures on my Blog!! It charged my NT$100 - for 1 hr internet!! You should know how lucky you are in Taiwan!!
I hope I can loose my weight after my housekeeping daily job!!
I met some grandmoms who still do this job, very professional and enjoy their job. They are really customer oriented and teach me a lot for how to managing a big room!!
I start to now the meaning of " Major / Daily Service "in the housekeeping world!!

Darwin is small but worth to take time discovering!!
Enjoy walking on the beach
Sleep on the ferry
Take walk in the huge garden at 6:30pm.
I always wake up early to enjoy walking on the street!!

Everyone suggest me can ride the bicycle, but.............I don't know how to ride it!!IT only has two wheels... hard to balance!!!

See you next time!!

JoannaOZ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

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